Now we have all heard this before get 8 hrs sleep every night… easier said then done! Life will always get in the way and sometimes you will not be able to have 8 hours of bedtime, but by trying you’re half way there. Here are 10 easy steps to get you snoozing in no time!
1. To ensure you get the right amount of sleep is having preparation bedtime: Time that is allocated for getting you ready for bed, examples are locking the doors, putting the kids to sleep or even night time reading. Allocate about 15-30 mins for bedtime prep.
2. Work in Sync with Your Own Circadian Rhythm: Is innately inbuilt in us that tells us when we should be awake and when we should be sleeping. This cycle also tells us that we function at best when we have had 8 hours of sleep and 16 hours of being awake. The circadian cycle also takes a little dip in the afternoon. This is when we experience 3.30itis!
The Spanish have this DIP well understood and take siestas! For the rest of us, who don’t have that privilege, there are healthy options we opt for. Such things include taking a 10 min walk around the office or outside, have fruit that are high in energy such as berries, and bananas. Avoid the sugary snacks and coffee as they will lift you up for a short period of time and then you will come falling straight back down. Keeping in mind that a diet high in sugar can alter your sleeping pattern.

3. Take a Warm Bath: For many of us this would be a luxury. By immersing yourself in a warm bath before bedtime will help you relax and unwind from your day. A handy hint is put a little bath oil with lavender in it. The aroma helps you relax and when you are relaxed this helps you sleep a lot better.
4. Can’t sleep then get Out of Bed: If you lay in bed tossing and turning trying to fall asleep your brain starts to think your bed as a place for unrest and worry, making it harder in the future to use the bed for a place of relaxation.
5. Avoid substances that act as a stimulant for the body: Yes this means no tea or coffee before sleeping, try and limit your caffeinated drinks after 2pm, is not limited to only coffee and tea- also includes soft drinks such as coke that have a high level of caffeine , soft drinks are high in sugar – sugar can also keep you awake. Coffee can stay in your body for up to 14 hours so if you’re planning on having an afternoon coffee perhaps make it decaffeinated or swap it for a juice or smoothie. Avoid alcohol, if your anything like myself and one glass of red puts your straight to bed don’t be fooled! Even though alcohol actually makes you sleepy and puts you to bed initially, as the alcohol leaves your system it makes your sleep lighter and wakes you up, making it difficult to get back to bed.

6. Detox your mind: Find what makes you relax; whether it be meditating or journal writing, find what keeps your mind still and calm. A good and realistic way of doing this is writing a to do list for the next day before you sleep. So if you are awaken during the night worrying then you know it will be covered the next day.
You could also use Willis H’s magic formula
I. Ask your self what is the worst that will happen?
II. Accept the worse case scenario
III. Proceed to improve the worst.
7. Exercise Regularly: Exercising on a regular basis has a multitude of benefits. It enhances cardiovascular function, neurological function it pretty much has positive effects on every system in your body. How does it make you sleep better? Exercise depresses stress levels and releases serotonin, the feel good neurotransmitter that aids in relaxation! The combination of low stress and elevated mood helps you have a good night sleep!
8. Give up the gadgets: In today’s world of technology we all have mobile phones, iPads, iPhones and the list goes on and on and on. All electrical devices should be removed not only from next to you but remove it from the bedroom and yes this includes the computer or laptops. Late night emails, instant messaging and phone calls will eat a chunk out of your sleeping time. Abandon the last minute email check and late night conversations that just might evoke some emotions (an emotion such as stress after talking to your in-laws!)

9. Relate your bed with only two things: Sleeping & “Sleeping”. This helps your brain comprehend what the bed is made for. Your brain needs to make a connection that your bed is a vocational place for you to relax.
10. Chiropractic adjustmens: If you are aligned and your nervous system is functioning at its optimum level, your body is in tune to itself how could you not have a good night sleep??