What is Cupping (Hijama)?

Cupping is often associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine, but has been all around the world. Cupping is used to help relieve musculoskeletal tension, reduce stress and help with overall health and wellbeing.

There are two types of cupping therapy

  1. Dry Cupping involves no blood extraction. It is also known as dry cupping or suction massage. This is performed by applying oil to the skin and moving the cup by a weak suction on the affected area.
  2. Wet Cupping (Hijama) is defined by the extraction of blood in the treatment. A very fine surgical blade to used to make markings on the skin; a vacuum cup is then applied to withdraw and collect blood. A trained therapist is able to perform this treatment with very little to no discomfort or side effects.

Advice before a Hijama session

  • Please ensure you have taken a shower before treatment
  • Do not have anything to eat approximately 2 hours before session
  • Hydrate well with water
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing

Advice after a Hijama Session

  • You may eat and drink after a session
  • Hydrate plenty to rebalance fluid levels
  • Avoid strenuous activity for the day to allow the body to recuperate
  • Apply moisturising cream over the cupping sites to help hydrate the skin and reduce the chance of scarring
  • Do not rub or scratch the areas cupped
  • Allow adequate rest to ensure a speedy recovery

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